
Showing posts from September, 2019

Genre Research

Superhero Movies Films adapted from comic books featuring heroic protagonists have risen in popularity in recent years, due to the traction from their comics. These stories often told stories of moral conflict of varying sorts, bringing in topics of ethics, Batman's no kill rule is an example of this as it includes ideas of capital punishment and the efficiency of corporal punishment. Many superhero movies contemplate the idea of good and evil, as the genre started the ideas brought up grew more complex, anti-heroes began to gain the public's favour which introduces a morally grey protagonist. Some superheroes made mimicked religious imagery such as Superman, with him being a god-like presence, while other superheroes were made to appear as human as possible to have a reliability with the audience.  With the increased popularity of superheroes, started the critiques and parodies of heroes with movies like Watchmen and Deadpool, which comment on the cliches of the gen...

Stoker Sequence Analysis

Out of the 6 minute clip from 'Stoker' which we were given, I decided I'd analyse around 2 minutes of it. ~~~ The sequence begins with a zooming in, medium close-up of a girl, India Stoker, sitting at the bottom of a staircase, with diegetic noise of people talking, footsteps and a spoon tapping a cup as well as non-diegetic noise of music mixed in which I believe is to imply how overwhelmed the girl is by the party, before the voice of Charlie Stoker interrupts and the background noise changes from only the party to the sound of birds and crickets with quiet indistinguishable voices from the party, to show she's been distracted by the noise. When Charlie speaks, the angle on India changes to a high angle, which shows her full body reaction of surprise but also by her head looking up it presents where the noise is coming from, as she stands the camera moves further up to keep the audience looking down at her.    It cuts to a medium close-up of Charl...